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IPFS News Link • Ron Paul Says...

A New Year's Resolution Worth Keeping

• Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Without a new authorization of funds from Congress, it is said to be the last bit of money left over from the more than $100 billion already authorized by Congress for the proxy war with Russia through Ukraine.

President Biden's request for an additional $100 billion to spread around Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan was rejected by a Congress eager for its winter break, and with each passing day it looks like it's going to be harder to push it through. Poll after poll show that Americans are increasingly opposed to more of their money being spent on the neocon's lost-cause war to overthrow Putin in Russia.

For example, a recent Fox News poll revealed that more than 60 percent of Republican voters do not want any more money sent to Ukraine. As we enter an election year, it's probably safe to predict that Republican candidates will be wary of crossing the wishes of the clear majority of voters.