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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

Court Rules in Favor of Consumer whose "life had become hell";

•, By B.N. Frank

Opposition to costly, privacy-invasive, and hazardous utility "smart" meters – electric, gas, and water – has been worldwide since they started being deployed.  One of the many complaints about them is that they emit biologically harmful electromagnetic radiation which can cause symptoms and illnesses (see 1, 23456).  Of course, some people have stronger and more immediate reactions to exposure than others.  Nevertheless, if given a choice, most people probably wouldn't want to have "smart" meters installed on their homes or anywhere else if they knew about the risks; hence increasing outcry against these awful devices.

From The Connexion:

Court orders removal of man's Linky electricity meter

He had been suffering from headaches which he claims were due to electro-sensitivity triggered by the Linky meter.

By Richard Henshell

A man who claimed to be suffering from headaches due to his Linky meter has won a court battle to have it removed.

Joseph Cascina from Saint-André-le-Puy (Loire) reported hearing a "constant whistling" in his head after its installation.

"All day, all night… Every evening I had to take a pill to get to sleep, life had become hell," he told France 3.

"When I left my home, the whistling stopped within an hour. And at my in-laws' house, where there is no Linky meter, I didn't hear it either. But when I got back home, within a quarter of an hour, the sound started again."

Mr Cascina, who had reported no symptoms prior to the Linky meter's installation, asked Enedis to remove it. When the company refused, he took them to court in January 2023.

The court in Saint-Etienne noted that Mr Cascina was suffering, and ruled that the meter should be removed.