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IPFS News Link • Religon: Pope News

Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible

•, Baxter Dmitry

The World Economic Forum has been granted authorization by Pope Francis to rewrite the Holy Bible, according to a WEF insider who reveals the pope wants the new "fact-checked" version of the Bible to be far more political, with a central place for the primacy of nature, and far less about God.

Pope Francis has already declared that Klaus Schwab is more important than Jesus Christ and now he is determined to dismantle Christianity from the inside and replace God's word with the demonic vision of the global elite.

Pope Francis' decision has caused a storm in the Vatican, but should we really be surprised by his support for the elite's New World Order? As an Agenda Contributor at the WEF, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to subvert the church and Christianity across the world.

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Pope Francis' inverted version of Christianity is confusing for many, however the picture becomes clear when you understand who the pontiff is really serving.

This is the pope who joined forces with Bill Clinton in September to announce that humanity must be urgently depopulated to save the planet.