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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

Southwest Airlines enacts new policy to cater to the 'super fat'

• American Thinker

I love flight, but I avoid the airlines at all costs. Airports are disgusting, "vaccinated" pilots cause me serious concern, and I seem to always be stuck next to, or in between, people whose lifestyles and eating habits create a reality in which they can't even begin to fit in a seat. As a result, they end up staking a claim on the space for which I paid, my journey is far less comfortable, and I'm forced to touch people who have a hard time practicing proper hygiene; I also don't prefer to be in confined spaces with maskers, and in general, the obese, who care so much about their health, can't seem to quit that little bacteria trap.

But now, Southwest Airlines has introduced a new "inclusion" policy, which is fixing to see the carrier allow a single person an entire row; from a Fox News item out yesterday:

Low-cost carrier Southwest Airlines is being celebrated by 'passengers of size' on TikTok after they discovered they can request complimentary seats – one or two, depending on needs – to accommodate their girth.

Customers whose bodies 'encroach' past the armrest are entitled to an extra seat, according to Southwest's inclusion policy. They are currently one of the few, if not the only, airlines to offer free seats to larger passengers.

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