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The Morning Briefing: Leftist Attempts to Destroy Elon Musk Won't Work in Time for 2024


As we are all too aware, the Democrats and their insidious minions in the media have been working hard to get a head start on pre-gaming next year's presidential election. They'd prefer that there be no election at all, which is rich given that they're the ones who say we're destroying democracy. 

They're fighting this battle on many fronts. The coordinated effort to ruin Elon Musk is a big part of the effort. In 2020, the Democrats had complete control of all of the major social media platforms, which they used to keep critical information from the American public, particularly the younger voters. Dissenting conservative voices were shut down. News about Hunter Biden's laptop was made to disappear. 

When Musk acquired Twitter, he greatly upset their plans for a repeat performance in 2024. They stomped their feet and tried to create alternative platforms and have been whining about Musk and what he's done to Twitter ever since.

Leftist attempts to discredit Musk and wrest Twitter/X away from him have been unceasing and remarkably unsuccessful. Perhaps the biggest indication of the latter is that they have to use Twitter/X to get out the news about how awful they think that Twitter/X is. 

Media Matters for America, the Soros-funded online collection of confused pronouns who never got hugged enough as kids, recently took what it thought was a good shot at Musk. All that the idiots succeeded in doing was making the second-richest man in the world angry.