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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Experts Predict Artificial General Intelligence July 2025 to 2031

• by Brian Wang

Alan Thompson Definitions for AGI and ASI
AGI = artificial general intelligence = a machine that performs at the level of an average (median) human.

ASI = artificial superintelligence = a machine that performs at the level of an expert human in practically any field.

Thompson uses a slightly stricter definition for AGI that includes the ability to act on the physical world via embodiment. There were some approaches on getting to AGI that fully bypass embodiment or robotics.

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a machine capable of understanding the world as well as—or better than—any human, in practically every field, including the ability to interact with the world via physical embodiment.

And the short version: 'AGI is a machine which is as good or better than a human in every aspect'.