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IPFS News Link • Corruption

We the Exploited: The U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power

• John & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute

But don't be fooled into thinking the government is protecting you.

To the contrary, the U.S. government is selling us (or rather, our data) to the highest bidders.

By the way, those highest bidders also include America's political class and the politicians aspiring to get elected or re-elected. As the Los Angeles Times reports, "If you have been to a political rally, a town hall, or just fit a demographic a campaign is after, chances are good your movements are being tracked with unnerving accuracy by data vendors on the payroll of campaigns."

Your phones, televisions and digital devices are selling you out to politicians who want your vote.

"Welcome to the new frontier of campaign tech — a loosely regulated world in which simply downloading a weather app or game, connecting to Wi-Fi at a coffee shop or powering up a home router can allow a data broker to monitor your movements with ease, then compile the location information and sell it to a political candidate who can use it to surround you with messages," writes journalist Evan Halper.

In this way, "we the people" have been reduced to economic units to be bought, bartered and sold by all and sundry.

On a daily basis, Americans have been made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to navigate an increasingly technologically-enabled world.
