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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

Gaza Conflict and the Shadow of the Ben Gurion Canal Project

•, By BNN Correspondents

The unfolding events have prompted a closer examination of Israel's strategic and economic objectives and how these may be driving the tension in the region.

Historical Context: Ben Gurion Canal Project

This ambitious project aims to chart a course from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, echoing the historic initiatives such as the Suez Canal, which has long been a pivotal maritime route since its completion in the 19th century. The proposed Ben Gurion Canal not only signals Israel's aspirations to claim a stake in global trade dynamics but also reflects the ongoing quest to expand its geopolitical influence, a narrative that has been part of the region's history since Israel's establishment in 1948.

A Rivalry Revived

The Ben Gurion Canal, if completed, would challenge the supremacy of the Suez Canal, potentially diverting commerce and reshaping economic currents. The strategic move can be seen as a continuation of the historical tensions that saw Israel and Egypt at odds during the Suez Crisis in 1956, where control over this critical passageway was a central issue.

Economic and Military Ambitions Amidst Historical Shadows

The canal project, with American and Israeli support, resonates with the historical patterns of military and economic alliances in the region. The potential storage of nuclear weapons in the Negev Desert could be interpreted through the prism of Israel's longstanding policy of maintaining a qualitative military edge, which has historical roots in the country's defense doctrine since its early years.