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IPFS News Link • Art

Behold Vienna's Brand New, $1.9 Million Public Art Travesty

•, by Tyler Durden

In a humiliating spectacle that victimizes taxpayers and enriches four perverted scam artists, the city of Vienna last week unveiled a new $1.9 million public fountain that looks like it was slapped together by a group of snickering fourth-graders playing with Play-Doh.  

Commissioned to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the city's public water system, the fountain is the work of Wolfgang Gantner, Florian Reither, Ali Janka and Tobias Urban -- a quartet operating under the name "Gelitin." 

The four freaks who created this insult -- in obvious haste -- have a portfolio that's truly repulsiveemphasizing homoerotic perversions and scatology. Here's an exhibit that is literally sh*t, packaged with vulgar poetry. Note the obscene costumes worn by people at the the presence of small children

We don't describe these people as "deviants" lightly. If you think their fountain is terrible -- and it sure as &%$# is -- thank God it didn't center on the positively godawful NSFW "art" that Gelitin exhibited in Milan. 

Believe it or not, Vienna's new monstrosity is described by the city government as a "luxury fountain." It was controversial even before it was unveiled, with residents and the conservative, populist Freedom Party of Austria campaigning against it as a waste of money, but to no avail. Imagine when they actually saw what the money bought.