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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

Breaking: Lt. General Mike Flynn Sues Andrew Weissmann, Nicolle Wallace and MSNBC...

•, By Jim Hoft

On Tuesday General Mike Flynn filed charges in the US District Court for the Middle District of Florida against far-left smear merchants Andrew Weissmann, Nicolle Wallace and MSNBC for knowing promoting materially false statements that General Flynn "plotted the insurrection" and that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

Both of these are provably false statements used to smear the 33-year military hero and US veteran.

This is also very concerning coming from the former top DOJ lawyer and MSNBC "expert" used by the company to promote and defend their leftwing positions, no matter how bizarre or dishonest.

From the filing:

Plaintiff Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn (ret.) ("General Flynn") is a distinguished veteran who defended and protected Americans throughout his 33 years of service.

Defendant Andrew Weissmann—a partisan former prosecutor and top deputy to Special Counsel Robert Mueller turned MSNBC "legal analyst"—has publicly impugned General Flynn's reputation, using his platform on MSNBC, along with political pundit Defendant Nicolle Wallace, to claim that General Flynn plotted an insurrection, and that he in fact was guilty of the bogus charge of lying to the FBI.

These are insidious lies. Defendants were aware these statements were false but still chose to smear General Flynn to advance their careers as partisan political pundits.

Finally, Andrew Weissmann will be held accountable for one of the many lies he pushed during his long, dishonest and dishonorable destructive career in the US government.
From the lawsuit:

During this September 15, 2023 episode, Defendant Wallace brazenly lied about General Flynn, stating, "I mean think we are past worrying about [General Flynn's] feelings, right? I mean [General Flynn] plotted the "insurrection."
