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IPFS News Link • New Hampshire

Biden Will Not Appear On New Hampshire Primary Ballot

•, by Tyler Durden

"While the president wishes to participate in the Primary, he is obligated as a Democratic candidate for President to comply with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention promulgated by the Democratic National Committee," Biden 2024 campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez wrote in a letter to the New Hampshire Democratic party chairman. "In accordance with this guidance, Biden for President will refrain from submitting a Declaration of Candidacy." 

In February, the DNC approved a new early-primary sequence, booting the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary from their respective first and second slots. The new DNC schedule puts South Carolina first, followed by Nevada and New Hampshire going on the same day. In 2020, Biden placed a crummy fifth in the New Hampshire primary, garnering just 8.4% of the votes and trailing Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren.

Biden's 2020 campaign was resuscitated in South Carolina, after a pivotal endorsement by influential black Rep. James Clyburn. In February, the DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison said the new sequence "puts black voters at the front of the process in South Carolina."

Though New Hampshire Democrats are loath to surrender their first-in-the-nation position, they actually have no choice but to flout the DNC's wishes: New Hampshire law requires that the state conduct the first of any primary in the country. The state has yet to set a date, but it will be sometime before South Carolina's Democratic primary on Feb. 3.   

Biden's absence in New Hampshire will create an opportunity for challengers to make headlines. With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr dropping out of the Democratic race to pursue an independent run, the sole challenger of any significance is self-help author and 2020 candidate Marianne Williamson. That's about to change: As we reported on Friday, wealthy Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips is about to announce his challenge to Biden.