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IPFS News Link • Switzerland

Switzerland: Landslide to the Right. Why?

•, By Peter Koenig

Together they lost 11 seats. The middle parties stayed about where they were before. The socialists made a modest gain of two seats, probably spillover from the Greens.

Is this a sign that the Swiss are gradually waking up and readopt human base-values, as His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, pointed out in his video recording "Wake up from the Slumber":

"The awakening of the consciousness is the first step towards liberation from the subversive leadership that has reserved the high places in both the national and international institutions because opening one's eyes and looking at reality is essential.:

If you have to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d'etat and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you. You have all witnessed in recent years a radical change in society; a change planned by people without any electoral mandate and imposed by sold-out rulers."

"The United States of America, like many other nations hostage to the Agenda 2030, is facing a very serious crisis: inflation, an out-of-control self-induced migration crisis, human trafficking and child trafficking, rampant crime, and the weakening of law enforcement."

See this for full video.

Archbishop Vigano spoke primarily to the people of the United States. He might as well have spoken to the Europeans and the Swiss. The recent election results would appear as if the Swiss had listened.