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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump

• by Matt McGregor

Mark Fisher—who stepped down from his leadership position at BLM Rhode Island, which he co-founded, and is now founder and executive director of the Maryland-based BLM Incorporated—has stood in solidarity with leaders of the Proud Boys and led vigils of prayer for the people he believes to be political prisoners.

"They're lambs led to slaughter to be sacrificed as an example for all who might want to dissent in the future," Mr. Fisher told The Epoch Times. "This is what the government does to those who express independent thought and want to stand up for what they believe."

What he sees in the vindictive treatment of the J6 prisoners are similarities to how black people have been treated, he said, and his aspiration in establishing that connection is to find common ground.

"One of the things I highlight when I speak to them is that they have a whole new understanding now of what black people have been going through with the over-policing, the police brutality, and the unfair treatment in the two-tiered justice system and how oppressive and overreaching it is," Mr. Fisher said.

Media's Distortion of Truth

Just as legacy media has distorted what happened at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by accusing Trump supporters of a violent insurrection, Mr. Fisher said BLM has been blamed for the 2020 summer riots, though there were outside parties like the far-left extremist group Antifa that were a source of chaos.
