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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

Bombing Kids And Blaming It On Hamas


 You can't drop military explosives on places you know are densely packed with children and then call their deaths unintentional. It's like calling the death and destruction caused by Hiroshima and Nagasaki unintentional.


The "human shields" narrative is just Israel bombing civilians and blaming it on someone else. That's all it's ever been.

The "human shields" argument is like if London had responded to an IRA attack by dropping thousands of bombs on Belfast, killing thousands of Irish civilians and hundreds of children, and justifying its bombing campaign by calling it an unfortunate but necessary measure to take out the IRA's Belfast Brigade because they're located in the same places as civilians.

It's like if the western political/media class defended and supported the carpet bombing of Belfast, saying "All those thousands of deaths are the fault of the IRA, because they're in Belfast where the civilians are. England has a right to defend itself, after all."