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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

Rand Paul On Israel-Palestine: "I'm Not Really For Funding Either Side"

•, by Tyler Durden

"I'm not really for funding either side," the senator said.

"Israel is a rich country. I think they can afford to do most things."

If the Speaker situation in the House is resolved next week, Paul is concerned Congress will exploit the nascent war to goad lawmakers into funding Washington's other proxies.

"The rumor is they're going to put Ukraine aid with Israel aid with Taiwan aid, and so God knows how big this thing will be," he said.

"It's like a $50 billion-dollar bill, all outside the spending caps they passed two months ago and makes a mockery that we really have any rules or fiscal restraint over here."

"I will oppose it," Paul said but added that he could support some foreign aid as long as it is paid for through other funding cuts.

The hands-off approach to foreign policy - one that allows other nations to work out disputes for themselves - is reminiscent of the senator's father, former Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex.), who in 2009 said Gaza resembled a "concentration camp" and that U.S. policy exacerbated tensions by establishing a power imbalance in favor of Israel, which removes their incentive to "work out problems":

"Israel knows… that we [United States] will do whatever is necessary to bail out Israel."
