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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

US May Send a Second Aircraft Carrier to the Mideast, Can That Possibly Help?

•, By Mish

Politico reports U.S. May Send Second Aircraft Carrier Toward Israel.

The U.S. could soon have two aircraft carriers in the eastern Mediterranean, according to Defense Department officials, a move that would mark a major escalation in U.S. military power in the region as fighting intensifies between Israeli forces and Hamas militants.

The aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with its associated warships and fighter jets, was already scheduled to depart from Norfolk, Va., this week and may be ordered to deploy to the waters off the coast of Israel, according to two DOD officials who were granted anonymity to discuss future operations.

The ship is slated to leave Norfolk on Friday and could reach the eastern Mediterranean by the end of October if ordered, one of the DOD officials said. At that point, the Eisenhower would join the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford and its strike group, which the Pentagon ordered to the waters off Israel on Sunday as a show of force after the surprise attacks on southern Israel.

How Can This Possibly Help?

It cannot, unless the goal is for the US to enter this war. All this action does is present a candy store of targets for some crazy ass terrorist.

How is one carrier, let alone now two, an appropriate response to what is essentially a guerilla force?

I don't believe terrorists have the resources to actually hit anything, but that many not stop them from trying. Besides, why tempt fate for utterly no purpose?