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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

Natural News issues statement on Hamas terror attack on Israel, bombings of Gaza...

•, by: Mike Adams

From Mike Adams, editor of Natural News: We condemn in the strongest terms the terrorism attacks against Israel carried out by militant members of Hamas. Their actions targeting civilians were animalistic, barbaric and wholly incompatible with human civilization. The loss of innocent life among Israeli citizens is heart wrenching, and actions must be taken to stop this cycle of violence.

Those responsible for these attacks -- including those who engaged in financial sponsorship, military planning or direct aid to Hamas -- should, in my opinion, be found, arrested, prosecuted and subject to the fullest repercussions of the courts, including being sentenced to death if that is the court's decision.

Those who are currently siding with Hamas are siding with terrorism, plain and simple. They should be loudly and repeatedly condemned.

Simultaneously, out of a sense of humanity and compassion for fellow human beings, I must condemn Israel's actions of targeting over two million Palestinian civilians with siege warfare tactics that even the United Nations condemns as war crimes. Israel has cut off the water, food, electricity and fuel supply to the Gaza Strip. Gaza's last power plant has run out of fuel, and hospitals have no running water. Israel bombed the Gaza exit route into Egypt, making it impossible for Gaza citizens to flee. Meanwhile, relentless bombardment by the IDF has resulted in the complete destruction of an ever-growing list of residential buildings, taking their inhabitants with them, resulting in at least 140 Palestinian children now killed by Israel's retaliatory actions.
