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IPFS News Link • F.E.M.A.

You Need This To Survive a FEMA Takeover

•, By Klark Barnes

What are the true powers of FEMA in an emergency? I have been writing about this for a long time and have parsed out some very important things.

For us to understand what you need to survive a FEMA takeover you first must understand what you are dealing with in FEMA and what kind of FEMA presence you will face.

FEMA has a sizeable operating budget of around $20 billion dollars annually. It also employees around 20,000 people but this number can change drastically based on the size and scope of a disaster.

They can quickly and effectively increase their numbers using temporary response personnel.

What FEMA Cannot Do

Let's start with the things that FEMA cannot do so you know what you are preparing for. If we face something like a grid-down collapse in this nation where no one has power, then you can forget about FEMA altogether.
