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IPFS News Link • New World Order

Which New World Order Are We Talking About?

• by Jeff Thomas

 When doing so, we tend to be a bit unclear as to what the New World Order is. Is it a cabal of the heads of the world's governments, or just the heads of Western governments? Certainly bankers are included somewhere in the mix, but is it just the heads of the Federal Reserve and the IMF, or does it also include the heads of JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.? And how about the Rothschilds? And the Bundesbank—surely, they're in there, too?

And the list goes on, without apparent end.

Certainly, all of the above entities have objectives to increase their own power and profit in the world, but to what degree do they act in concert? Although many prominent individuals, world leaders included, have proclaimed that a New World Order is their ultimate objective, the details of who's in and who's out are fuzzy. Just as fuzzy is a list of details as to the collective objectives of these disparate individuals and groups.