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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials


• Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation

by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

The Ripple Effect

What do I mean by the ripple effect? Well, to start, there's been a frenzy online about my September 13th oral arguments against the Attorney Genearl. The Gateway Pundit ran a couple of stories about the event. This catchy title of one of their articles has gotten some significant play: "Attorney Defending Constitutional Rights Receives Standing Ovation for Her Oral Arguments Against NY Gov. Kathy Hochul's Tyrannical Quarantine Camp Lawsuit Appeal"

The Brownstone Institute, where I am a Fellow, put out an article on their website and on their social media platforms about the appeal with another very catchy title, "David v. Goliath in New York," and it went viral, as their #1 top read article of the week!

Furthermore, Shannon Joy Radio covered the oral arguments live inside and outside the courthouse. One of Shannon's videos of the standing ovation given to me by a couple hundred supporters who were watching on closed-circuit TV in the courthouse atrium (since the courtroom itself was full to capacity) has over 165,000 views thus far. Watch that HERE. If you haven't yet, you can watch oral arguments themselves, complete with the inside-courtroom standing ovation HERE. Then there's CHD TV which live-streamed the oral arguments on the 13th. One of their Twitter posts alone has received about 75,000 views so far. Roseangel from Cafecito Break posted part of the press conference that Senator Borrello and I gave afterwards outside the courthouse, and that's received about 40,000 views on highly censored IG and Twitter. See that HERE. My Twitter post about the appeal has gotten over 90,000 views. And so on and so on…

So then, probably because of the social media frenzy, the Associated Press got one of their "fact checkers" involved in the mix to try to defend Governor Hochul with the headline, "New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Is Not Trying To Create 'Quarantine Camps.'" You can read that article HERE. Of course my lead plaintiff, the intrepid Senator George Borrello, fired back at the AP with a statement of his own that he posted on his social media:


"I am disappointed that a longstanding news service like the Associated Press (AP) has abandoned its responsibility to accurate and unbiased reporting as evidenced by today's slanted article, "New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is not trying to create 'quarantine camps.'

Their so-called 'fact check' of the basis for Borrello et. al. v. Hochul is nothing but political cover for the administration's blatant separation of powers violation, a breach which was confirmed in a State Supreme court decision in July 2022.

While the term 'quarantine camp' isn't used in Rule 2.13 per se, the language in the regulation is very clear when it says the Commissioner of Health or local health department can issue an isolation or quarantine order, at whim, without proof of infection, and can force someone to remain in their home, or send them to 'other residential or temporary housing… or other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate.'

Call it whatever you like – quarantine camp, detention facility, field hospital, etc. – the bottom line is that Rule 2.13 authorizes the government to take such an action, which would be a gross abuse of due process and New Yorkers' civil rights.