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Impeachment Against Joe Biden: Possible Key Witness from Ukraine Makes Serious Allegations

•, by Alex Schmidt

The accusations carry weight, coming from none other than Ukraine's former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who in 2015 led investigations that became so dangerous to Biden that in 2016 he blackmailed the Ukrainian government into dismissing Shokin.

Investigation of criminal acts in Burisma

The news from Ukraine comes at the worst possible time for the Bidens, as the dubious foreign activities of the Biden family in recent years are increasingly becoming the bane of both the son and the father:

This week, for example, the Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, announced impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Joe Biden. Almost simultaneously, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley announced that an internal FBI document obtained by the U.S. House Oversight Committee for review contained information about 15 audio recordings of Hunter Biden's conversations and two recordings of Joe Biden's conversations with a "foreign national" associated with Burisma.

This foreign national is most likely disgraced Ukrainian ex-minister, businessman and owner of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky. The footage may prove that both father and son Biden received kickbacks from Burisma.

U.S. investigations lead directly to ousted prosecutor

These U.S. investigations led directly to the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin. Namely, in early 2015, the Ukrainian Prosecutor's Office put Burisma's owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, on a wanted list for illegal enrichment and launched investigations that also put Biden's son Hunter on the spot. Just a year later, in March 2016, during an official visit to Kyiv, [then] U.S. Vice President Joe Biden called for the dismissal of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin and blackmailed Ukrainian President Poroshenko with a $1 billion loan. Literally, he said, "We will leave in six hours. If the prosecutor is not released, you will not get the money."

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