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IPFS News Link • Secret Government Projects

"Liars" & "Low IQ Lunatics": Tucker Tears Into Politicians' "Betrayal O

• Zero Hedge

In a brief clip dropped last night, Tucker Carlson rages (in his inimitable manner) that the current system of governance in the US does not genuinely reflect the majority's will but benefits a small group of people with power.

"Most governments are run by a small group of people for their own benefit without reference to what the majority wants," he says.

Carlson highlights, based on public opinion polls as evidence, that there is often a disconnect between what the people want and what their leaders prioritize:

"Take a look at the latest Gallup poll, pick a poll. What are the top 10 issues for people in the United States and then compare those to the priorities of your leaders."

The former Fox News host takes aim at Governors Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Greg Abbott of Texas as case examples of this disconnect.
