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IPFS News Link • International Monetary Fund-IMF

IMF and FSB Release 'Policies for Crypto Assets' at G20 Request

•, by Kevin Helms

The global organizations "have set out a roadmap to ensure effective, flexible, and coordinated implementation of the comprehensive policy response for crypto-assets."

IMF, FSB Release 'Policies for Crypto Assets'
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) published their joint synthesis paper titled "Policies for Crypto Assets" on Thursday. The report was developed at the request of the Indian G20 Presidency.

"This paper's key objective is to synthesize the work of the IMF and the FSB," the report details, adding that the two international organizations "have advanced policy and regulatory recommendations to identify and respond to macroeconomic and financial stability risks associated with crypto-assets."

The paper discusses the implications of crypto assets, including their risks, purported benefits, macroeconomic stability, financial stability, and regulatory issues. It states:

"Widespread adoption of crypto-assets could undermine the effectiveness of monetary policy, circumvent capital flow management measures, exacerbate fiscal risks, divert resources available for financing the real economy, and threaten global financial stability."
