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IPFS News Link • Crime

"Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law

• by Tyler Durden

Georgia law makes it unlawful to knowingly file a court document "knowing or having reason to know that such document is false or contains a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation." Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-20.1(b)(1).

DA Willis is well-aware of this law; she charged a number of Defendants – including Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and John Eastman – with a violation of that law for filing in a document that contained a "materially false statement in federal court." And she just violated it this week.

For background, Georgia law allows for a speedy trial demand in accordance with the Sixth Amendment, which provides that "the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial." Two Defendants, Kenneth John Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have made that request pursuant to Georgia law.

DA Willis responded to these speedy trial demands with an utterly false Motion to Advise to inform the Court and the Defendants of the "consequences" of their requests for a speedy trial. This Motion was a violation of § 16-10-20.1(b)(1). By no means are we making a stretch – the statutory violations are clear and obvious. DA Willis and her team invented legal theories and misled the Court about relevant caselaw that allegedly supported her position. Let us explain.