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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

Trump Trial Set For March 2024 As Activist Judge Refuses Request For Election Delay

• by Tyler Durden

Instead, the trial will start March 4, 2024 in what the WSJ framed as 'seeking a balance' between prosecutors' request for a Jan. 2 start date, and Trump's request to push the trial to April 2026, citing the large volume of evidence they will have to examine, as well as the historic nature of the case.

Trump is the first president in US history accused of blocking the peaceful transfer of power to his successor, which his lawyers characterized as "terra incognita."

"Never in the history of the United States have we seen a case of this magnitude go to trial in four months, and this man's liberty and life is at stake," said Trump attorney John Lauro on Monday. "He deserves an adequate representation. He's no different than any American."

Chutkan, a US District Court judge in the District of Columbia, previously worked at a law firm that represented Fusion GPS, the company that helped orchestrate the Russia collusion hoax targeting former President Donald Trump. During her stint with Boies Schiller Flexner, the Democrat-friendly law firm also reportedly represented Clinton Cabal foot soldier Huma Abedin, the former wife of disgraced Democrat Anthony Weiner.
