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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

The Morning Briefing: Climate Cult Tyrants Are Still Worse Than COVID Tyrants


Freedom-loving Americans have had a rough go of it since the first arrival of the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu on our shores. The Trump/Fauci alliance made things bad enough, but the tyrannical flex got really awful when Joe Biden was installed in the presidency. As we have seen in recent weeks, the COVID fetish Left is attempting to relive its glory days of oppression.

With the stink of the pandemic government heavies still lingering so strongly, the Climate Cult thugs have been hoping to keep their campaign of error and terror continuing unabated without anyone noticing. We do occasionally discuss them here in the Briefing, but it's time to check in again.

There is, of course, a lot of overlap between the COVID tyrants and the climate tyrants. The lefties do often like to specialize, however. The climate commies have been grifting in that lane for so long that they don't really need to pay attention to any opportunities that may come along on the COVID panic front.

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