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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

The Last Time A Foreign Military Threat Was Placed Near The US Border, The World Almost Ended


I point out this hypocrisy not because hypocrisy in and of itself is an especially terrible sin?—?there are much worse things you can be in life than a hypocrite?—?but to flag the fact that people who think Russia and China should tolerate US actions on their borders that the US would never tolerate on its own borders actually believe the United States should rule the world.

It's worth spending some time learning about the Cuban Missile Crisis for a number of reasons in the 2020s. First, in a time of soaring hostilities between nuclear-armed governments it's probably good to have a lucid understanding of how close humanity came to wiping itself out in 1962, and the fact that total nuclear war was averted by a single dissenting decision by a single Soviet officer on a nuclear-armed submarine that was being bombarded by the US navy. 
