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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

"If We Press This With Russia, It Will Reach Us Here In The US" -

• by Tyler Durden

Tucker Carlson on Monday published an interview with former Trump administration official Col. Douglas Macgregor (Ret.), who explained why the war in Ukraine has put the United States on the brink of a 'catastrophic war that could easily destroy us.'

Carlson begins with a bold statement: "pretty much everything that NBC and The NYTimes have told you about the war in Ukraine is a lie."

"'The Russian army is incompetent' - they claim. 'Ukraine is a Democracy!' 'Vladimir Putin is Hitler and he's trying to take over the world!' 'Thankfully, the Ukrainians are winning.'

"Every claim is false, the last one especially," said Carlson, adding "the Ukrainian army is not winning - in fact, it's losing badlyUkraine is being destroyed. Its population is being slaughtered."

"Most American know nothing about Ukraine," Macgregor continued, adding that "if they knew anything about the history of Eastern Europe, they would all say 'get out!'... because the wars and the blood and the hatred that's been fought over for centuries is something we can't sort out."

Macgregor's comments grow more ominous in their tone as the discussion continues.