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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Joe Rogan claims Democrats are leaking scandals about Joe Biden on PURPOSE...


Joe Rogan has claimed the Democratic Party is trying to leak scandals about Joe Biden to discourage him from running again in 2024.

The podcaster's claims, which came during an episode where he spoke to ex-CIA agent Mike Baker, is on the heels of endless stories about impropriety by Hunter and his family's foreign business dealings.

'If I had to guess, I would say that all this stuff that's coming out slowly but surely about Biden is on purpose, and they want to get rid of him,' Rogan said.

Rogan, who called himself 'an armchair conspiracy theorist' believes Biden - who faces fringe challenges on the Democrat side from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson - can't win in the general election.

'I think he wants to run again, and I don't think the Democrats think that he can win. I think they're right, and I think they're going to slowly but surely expose more of these very clear pieces of evidence of corruption,' Rogan added. 

Rogan referenced the new detailed bank records showing $20 million in payments to the Biden family and their partners from foreign actors in places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan during Joe's time as vice president. 

He said it was 'f**king bananas' and 'the fact that this isn't all over the New York Times and The Washington Post and mainstream news - that they're not blaring it from the rooftops, because you know they would be if it was Trump.'

Baker said that the media are 'taking every effort and they're now having to contort themselves into certain ways because it's getting more and more difficult to provide top cover for the Biden administration.'