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IPFS News Link • Prepping

What Will You Do When You Run Out of Stored Fuel?

• Organic Prepper - Tom Lovric

If you're serious about prepping, you know that fuel (be it gasoline or diesel) is an incredibly valuable asset. In case of emergency, fuel powers our generators, not to mention our vehicles, so knowing how to store fuel is very important. The question is – what happens if we run out of stored fuel?

Aside from the societal collapse that would inevitably follow, how would you power engines and generators?

Many people want to know how to store fuel for this exact purpose, but is that really possible? If so, how long will fuel last?

Let's find an answer.

Gasoline and Diesel Don't Last Long

Bad news first – neither gasoline nor diesel lasts long. Both of these fuels will go bad after about six months in a regular plastic container.

If you store your fuel at a temperature above 70°F, it'll go bad even quicker!

There are three major reasons for this.

 1.  First of all, the fuel will break down over time because of oxidation. This is something that you can't avoid, but you can slow it down by treating your fuel with antioxidants.

2. Then, we have moisture. Moisture is a big enemy of fuel, as both gasoline and diesel break down if they come into contact with water. You can expect moisture as a result of condensation.

3. Finally, that very same moisture creates a perfect environment for the development of bacteria, so you'll have to treat your fuel with biocides if you want it to last longer.

On top of all that, you have to keep it at a low temperature (ideally 20°F) and in a metal, stainless container.

If you do all that – antioxidation treatment, biocides, low-temperature storage – your fuel won't last more than three years!