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EXCLUSIVE: Devon Archer's four most shocking revelations from his testimony-


In his bombshell testimony, Devon Archer described official meetings with Joe Biden that were left off the White House logs

He also told the committee that VP Joe's meeting with Hunter's Chinese business partner Jonathan Li was more extensive than previously admitted

Hunter Biden's former friend and business partner Devon Archer laid bare how the First Son sold his connections to Joe Biden in bombshell congressional testimony and interviews this week.

The most striking of Archer's claims was Hunter's habit of putting his father on speakerphone during meetings with foreign business partners – a tactic that awed them into believing Hunter's commercial influence went all the way to the then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Archer called it an 'an abuse of soft power' in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

But a closer look at the 141-page transcript of Archer's nearly four-hour interview with the House Oversight Committee released Thursday reveals further shocking details that point to shady dealing or possible criminality by the President's son, and potentially corrupt links with Joe.