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IPFS News Link • United Kingdom

UK Court Testimony: 'Miss Trenchard Penetrated [the Rape Victim] With her Penis'

•, by TDB

Frankly, in this day and age, it's a miracle they prosecuted the case against such a magnificent model of sacred diversity as Lady Freddie at all.

Via Reduxx (emphasis added):

"A 19-year-old trans-identified male broke down in tears after a Guernsey Royal Court jury unanimously found him guilty of rape on July 28. Despite the serious crime, Freddie Christian Trenchard, also known as Alyssa Christine Trenchard, was released on bail pending sentencing.

Trenchard, who was born male but identifies as a "trans femme," was first reported to police in February of last year, though the crime occurred in the summer of 2021.

The assault is said to have been committed after Trenchard invited the victim to his home in the small island community.

Despite testimony from the victim in which she details crying throughout the attack and screaming "no," Trenchard's defense argued that no intercourse occurred and even accused the victim of being motivated by transphobia.
