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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

The Empire Knows It's Pouring Ukrainian Blood Into An Unwinnable Proxy War

• By: Caitlin Johnstone

In a new article titled "Ukraine's Lack of Weaponry and Training Risks Stalemate in Fight With Russia," The Wall Street Journal's Daniel Michaels reports that western officials knew Ukrainian forces didn't have the weapons and training necessary to succeed in their highly touted counteroffensive which was launched last month.

Michaels writes:

"When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn't have all the training or weapons?—?from shells to warplanes?—?that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.

"They haven't. Deep and deadly minefields, extensive fortifications and Russian air power have combined to largely block significant advances by Ukrainian troops. Instead, the campaign risks descending into a stalemate with the potential to burn through lives and equipment without a major shift in momentum."

The claim that western officials had sincerely believed Ukrainian forces might be able to overcome their glaring deficits through sheer pluck and ticker is undermined later in the same article by a war pundit who says the US would never attempt such a counteroffensive without first controlling the skies, which Ukraine doesn't have the ability to do:

"America would never attempt to defeat a prepared defense without air superiority, but they [Ukrainians] don't have air superiority," the U.S. Army War College's John Nagl told WSJ. "It's impossible to overstate how important air superiority is for fighting a ground fight at a reasonable cost in casualties."