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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Wrap Tinfoil Around Your Doorknob to Keep Eco-Doom Nutjobs Away:


Let's see how many old-timey words for "nonsense" I can squeeze into one article about 56 years of climate change balderdash.

Soap-dodging prairie fairies have been ringing the Chicken Little climate klaxon for at least five decades. That means we are celebrating more than 50 years of "the sky is falling" horsefeathers.

Every climate gloomster has one thing in common: when it comes to their grim predictions for the planet, they're all batting zero.

A lot of them also seem to ignore actual climate-related emergencies, like the ongoing train derailment trauma in East Palestine, Ohio, where residents suffered vomiting, rashes, nose-bleeds, and bronchitis as they watched their pets and livestock die.