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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Messenger RNA "Vaccines" in Meat Animals

•, by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Concerns that mRNA injections could end up "in the global protein supply chain" prompted warnings from cattle producers and calls for mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) so consumers can choose meat from countries that don't allow mRNA shots in meat animals.1 Backlash quickly ensued, with media spinning a familiar tune and trying to paint the valid concerns as "conspiracy theories," "fearmongering" and "misinformation."2

Cattle Groups Calls for Caution Over mRNA in Beef

In an April 2023 news release, Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA), a nonprofit that represents interests of independent U.S. cattle producers, shared concerns about the use of mRNA shots in meat animals.

Max Thornsberry, DVM, R-CALF's animal health committee chair, met with medial doctors and a molecular biologist before briefing the R-CALF USA board:3

"Thornsberry reported that some researchers have found that mRNA and its coded virus is likely passed from an injected human to a noninjected human, and to humans who have consumed dairy products or meat from an mRNA-injected animal.
