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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Conservatism

Here's How You Know Conservatives Are Winning

• Issues & Insignts

If you want a good indication that conservatives are, at long last, scoring a few actual victories these days, look at the apoplexy it's causing those on the left.

A prime example is a piece written by Jill Lawrence, a former editor at USA Today, which posted on July 4 on MSNBC and carried the scary title: "Seeing the erosion of our freedoms makes it hard to celebrate this Fourth of July." It is a remarkable display of fearmongering, incoherence, and illogic.

"The Supreme Court, conservative governors and gerrymandered state legislatures are racing to shrink fundamental rights and freedoms," Lawrence writes. "The result is that tens of millions of Americans are being deprived of rights that other Americans have. The scale of the disparity is frightening and growing."
