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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Nuclear War And The Invasion of The Money, Mind, And Body Snatchers

• by Jeff Berwick

If tomorrow all the things were gone

I worked for all my life

And I had to start again

With just my children and my wife

I thank my lucky stars

To be living here today

'Cause the flag still stands for freedom

And they can't take that away

And I'm proud to be an American

Where at least I know I'm free

Thanks Lee Greenwood, but let's be honest about the real reason we're celebrating on July 4th – a holiday that might be more appropriately named America Fuck Yeah Day: Because America is awesome and we all love a good excuse to remind each other.

And what better way to celebrate America Fuck Yeah Day than by blowing shit up. And if we can't afford to blow shit up, a Soros will provide. Just like our poor Islamic immigrant brothers and sisters who were gifted with belt-fed machine guns and grenade launchers in France. 

Thank Allah and Satan Klaus. And hey, if that doesn't work, well there's always nuclear war. 

Becaaauuuse… It's demolition time! 

And, all signs point to you needing a reminder of What To Do In Case Of Nuclear Attack – as advised by the Federal Emergency Management's (FEMA) webpage in 2021/22: 
