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IPFS News Link • Tyranny


• by Mike Adams

 The march of tyranny is upon us. You see it every day in the covid lockdowns, vaccine propaganda, government-sponsored censorship and banking / finance restrictions on what you're allowed to do with your own money.

The shocking truth, however, is that it's going to get far, far worse if we don't stop the march of tyranny that's accelerating all around us.

In today's analysis, I detail 10 unbelievable things that are sure to take place if we don't stop the march of tyranny and take back our privacy, our dignity and our future.

Humanity now faces a critical choice: We either choose the path of total enslavement under an authoritarian, techno-fascist dictatorship, or we choose to instead embrace decentralized finance, free speech, rationality and the rule of law.

Here's my list of 10 unbelievable things that will occur if we don't stop the tyranny, with the most mild outcomes at the top of the list and the most nightmarish outcomes near the bottom of this list.