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IPFS News Link • F.E.M.A.

Hawaii Has a New Disaster-Hardened Radio Station

•, Aden Tate

A radio facility that is designed to be able to pump out information despite come what may. This particular station is designed to withstand electromagnetic pulses as well as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. That's according to FEMA National Public Warning System manager Manny Centeno.

Drone photography of the facility shows solar panels, what appears to be a propane tank, an emergency generator, and the shielded studio.

The new hardened radio station facility
When a false missile attack alarm occurred in Hawaii in 2018, it shed light on a lack of preparedness on the islands. Steps have been taken ever since to improve disaster readiness.

As of May 2023, Hawaii finished building this newest addition to the National Public Warning System and Hawaii's first Primary Entry Point (PEP) Emergency Broadcast Facility. The purpose of the station is to alert Americans in the Pacific of any necessary information in the midst of a disaster. The site also acts as a relay for FEMA to reach American Samoa and Guam with news as well. This new station has been built with 60 days' worth of food and water for two people and is one of 77 similar facilities throughout the United States (which, together, are capable of reaching 90% of the American population in the event of a national disaster).

Aside from food and water, the Hawaiian hardened radio station has also been equipped with emergency power generation and "expanded broadcast capacity" to ensure that it is able to stay on the air as long as possible.

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