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IPFS News Link • Russia

Everyone I don't agree with is a 6th columnist


For almost two years now, I have attempted to delicately point out that it's becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile narratives promoted by Western "pro-Russia" alternative media, with what leading patriotic voices, activists, independent outlets, Telegram channels, and even politicians, in Russia, are saying about their own country.

To help demonstrate this curious phenomenon, this blog makes use of a wide range of Russian sources, which report extremely relevant developments in their country that never seem to get any attention in the Western alternative press.

As readers know, I'm quite fond of the in-depth reporting and analysis provided by both left-wing, socialist, as well as right-wing, conservative Christian Orthodox

Sometimes I refer to sources far to the left of Nakanune, and sometimes I share right-wing perspectives that blast past Katyusha. But, in general, Edward Slavsquat operates in the Nakanune-Katyusha range of Russia-related news and analysis.

What's interesting is that both ends of this ideological spectrum express the same concerns about the current trajectory of the Russian Federation.

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