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WATCH: Katie Hobbs Ducks Questions About Stolen 2022 Election, Signature Verification Fraud...

• By Jordan Conradson

Katie Hobbs refused to answer questions from The Gateway Pundit regarding the stolen midterm election and new evidence of fraudulent signature verification in the election that she oversaw as Secretary of State.

Hobbs, while wearing a leg cast, held a press conference earlier "to give an update on Arizona's water resources and highlight new investments toward securing the state's water future" with Arizona Department of Water Resources Director Tom Buschatzke.

Hobbs told curious reporters she has a "stress fracture" but did not elaborate further.

After giving a scripted speech to the press, Hobbs took questions about Arizona's water and other issues but refused to answer TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson's questions about the election that a majority of Arizonans believe was rigged with broken voting machines and signature verification fraud and the ongoing election lawsuits.

Katie Hobbs responded, calling the questions "conspiracy theories" and claiming that it is not in her jurisdiction, despite her role in the election as Secretary of State.

The Gateway Pundit reported on a recent Rasmussen poll of likely Arizona voters, showing that Kari Lake won by a landslide 8 points against corrupt Democrat Katie Hobbs, who oversaw her own election and disenfranchisement against Lake voters as Secretary of State. Additionally, 55% of Arizona voters, including 72% of Republicans, 26% of Democrats, and 47% of independents say it was likely that intentional voter suppression against Republican voters occurred when 59% of machines failed on Election Day.

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