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NFTfi Launches Earn Season 1: Promoting Responsible NFT Lending

• by Brian Wang

The NFT space is growing rapidly, and healthy credit markets are fundamental to its overall growth. NFTfi's Earn Season 1 reward structure has been designed with this in mind, to incentivize responsible NFT lending and contribute positively to the overall NFT ecosystem.

Stephen Young, Co-Founder and CEO at NFTfi says: "We believe that NFT lending is a crucial part of the future of the NFT space, and we're committed to promoting a healthy and non-predatory lending environment through our new loyalty program."

The principles by which Earn Points are calculated are the following:

Only repaid loans earn points: Aims at motivating lenders to carefully manage default risk via conservative LTVs, and borrowers to not take out excessive debt they might not be able to repay.

Larger and longer loans earn more points: Aims at motivating lenders to provide borrowers with flexible access to various loan sizes and loan durations. 

Lower interest rate (APR) loans earn the most points: Aims at motivating lenders to provide borrower-friendly interest rates and risk-adequate LTVs as a consequence.