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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

They Can't Extol US Press Freedom while Seeking to Extradite and Prosecute Publisher Assange

•, by Dave LIndorff

Today's make or break for President Joe Biden and his wimpy attorney general Merrick Garland on the issue of a free press.

The US Constitution, flawed as it is as a founding document, is unequivocal on the matter. Its much cited and touted First Amendment states;

"Congress shall make no law…abridging freedom of speech or of the press. "

There are no caveats, no ambiguous  words or placements of commas as in the case of the controversial Second Amendment.

You either have a free press, or you don't.

And you cannot claim to have a free press in a country that seeks to arrest, try and convict a journalistic publisher for publishing news  — especially news about government and military criminality that was widely disseminated by the nation's leading news organizations.

That is what is being done, and has been attempted by three successive US presidential administrations, using a century-old and from its initial Congressional passage highly controversial Espionage Act to attempt to capture, extradite and prosecute the founder of Wikileaks, one of the most important and successful publishers and distributors of important information from whistleblowers seeking to expose government abuses.

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