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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden proves once again he's in the pocket of the Chinese government with move to provide-

• by JD Heyes

While Democrats and their left-wing cheerleaders in the 'mainstream media' shrieked for four years that Donald Trump was a traitor and an 'asset' to Russia, in fact, it's Joe Biden's loyalties that should be questioned as well as most of those in his party when it comes to their China catering.

"The Biden administration is quietly helping American universities that host China's Confucius Institute on their campuses circumvent a ban on receiving federal funds," the Washington Free Beacon reported this week.

In late March, the Defense Department declared that it would issue waivers permitting schools to establish chapters of the Confucius Institute, a Chinese Communist Party-supported program that Beijing exploits to advance its influence and pilfer intellectual property from American universities.
