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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Musk Blasts Biden After Prez Lies Twice About '3% Billionaire Tax'

• by Tyler Durden

"You know the average tax billionaires pay?


No billionaire should be paying a lower tax than somebody working as a schoolteacher or firefighter," reads the erroneous tweet.

To which Musk replied: "I paid 53% taxes on my Tesla stock options (40% Federal & 13% state), so I must be lifting the average!"

"I also paid more income tax than anyone ever in the history of Earth for 2021 and will do that again in 2022."

As Ian Bremmer points out, "the 3% number isn't even close to true." 

Bremmer's tweet includes a screenshot from CNN, which fact check's the claim and notes that it's from a 2021 finding that found the 400 wealthiest billionaire families pay an average of 8.2% of their income in federal taxes.

In response so Biden's original claim that was fact checked, the White House published a corrected transcript