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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Banks Borrow $164.8 Billion From Fed in Rush to Backstop Liquidity

• by Alexandra Harris

Data published by the Fed showed $152.85 billion in borrowing from the discount window — the traditional liquidity backstop for banks — in the week ended March 15, a record high, up from $4.58 billion the previous week. The prior all-time high was $111 billion reached during the 2008 financial crisis.

The data also showed $11.9 billion in borrowing from the Fed's new emergency backstop known as the Bank Term Funding Program, which was launched Sunday.

Taken together, the credit extended through the two backstops show a banking system that is still fragile and dealing with deposit migration in the wake of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank of California and Signature Bank of New York last week.

Other credit extensions totaled $142.8 billion during the week, which reflects lending by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to bridge banks for SVB and Signature Bank.