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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

Mom sues D.C. doctor who gave her children covid "vaccines" without consent

• by Ethan Huff

Janine A. Rethy, MD, MPH reportedly lied to and tricked McNeil's two older children during their annual physical exam at the KIDS Mobile Medical Clinic / Ronald McDonald Care Mobile clinic, operated by Georgetown Hospital in Washington, D.C.

In order to continue attending school, the children were falsely told by Rethy, they had to get injected with Fauci Flu shot poisons. And it all happened in secret while McNeil stood outside the exam room unaware of what was happening inside.

Rethy, who directs the mobile clinic, reportedly held McNeil's children in the examination room for much longer than necessary during their check-up. It turns out Rethy was jabbing them without consent using fear and deception while their mother was outside the room.

Rethy made up lies about how McNeil's children would be barred from getting an education unless they agreed to roll up their sleeves for DNA and gene modification therapy. (Related: Remember when Pfizer's covid "vaccine" caused a hepatitis outbreak in children?)