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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

Doug Casey on the Rise of "Climate Brats" and Other Useful Idiots

• by Doug Casey

Lenin is thought to have originated the phrase when referring to communist sympathizers in the West.

What is your take on this term? Is it still applicable today?

Doug Casey: Today's make-believe democracies are overflowing with useful idiots. They latch on to one lame-brained notion after another, perhaps to give meaning to their confused and pointless lives. They're a bit like cats chasing the red dot from their master's laser pointer. The Ukraine, Covid, sex perversions, Trump, racism, climate change—it's one thing after another.

Climate change is one of the central scams being promoted by the World Economic Forum as part of their Great Reset. It seems everything that comes out of the WEF—I can't think of any exceptions — is antithetical to the traditional values of Western Civilization, prominently including free markets and personal liberty.