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IPFS News Link • China

US Power Alliance Says It's Coordinating An "Information War" Against China

• by Caitlin J

..." with the goal of "countering" the "increasingly aggressive China."

Here's an excerpt:

Dialogues and exchanges of best practices are ongoing with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and other countries including Japan, according to Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, commander of Naval Information Forces.

"I want to say we have at least a dozen countries or so that are either establishing information warfare programs, or are interested in partnering further in the information warfare realm," she said Feb. 15 at the West 2023 conference in San Diego. "We are leaning in there, we are focused."

Japan, specifically, has expressed significant interest in information warfare, "in a really positive way," Aeschbach told C4ISRNET. Japan and Australia, among others, are considered critical U.S. allies in the Indo-Pacific, a region national security officials are invested in as they seek to counter an increasingly aggressive China.