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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Western Civilization Is in Its Death Throes

• By Paul Craig Roberts

Today all of these countries are towers of babel like the US and Canada. Even as recent as the beginning of the 21st century, immigrant-invaders accounted for only 1.6% of the Spanish population.  Twenty years later immigrant-invaders are 15% of the population.  Immigrant-invaders make up 26% of the German population.

The immigrant-invaders concentrate in cities. According to this report in 2015 "44% of London's population consisted of black and ethnic minorities," up from 29% in 2001. By 2020 the percentage had grown to 55% immigrant-invaders. The capital of Great Britain no longer has a British ethnic majority population.

A report from reports that the foreign born population of Britain doubled between 2001 and 2020. "A majority of inhabitants of London (55%), Slough (69%), Leicester (58%) and Luton (57%) are of ethnic minority (EM) background. The EM share in inner London was 60% in 2016, 48% in Birmingham,, and 42% in Manchester."

Many other formerly British cities have experienced major demographic transformations.
